Shop Strategy Power Hour (60 min)

$ 100.00 CAD

What if you could spend 60 minutes with your customer, asking them for specific, actionable feedback on your resale shop and brand?

You can, with Kristina Urquhart, editor and publisher of The Vintage Seeker. She’s a longtime vintage buyer and just so happens to be like your vintage bestie — she talks with hundreds of shop owners like you every year and communicates your messages to consumers.

Because of her ongoing work with the reselling community, Kristina knows what other shop owners are doing. She’s seen what works and uses a buyer lens to identify opportunities to talk directly to your customer.

This session is ideal for shop owners or decision-making staff in the resale sector at any stage of their shop who are looking for advice, feedback, inspiration and a value-packed deep-dive on their brand.

Use your hour to get feedback on or help with up to three of the following:

  • Specific customer or marketing challenges
  • Social media, content or email strategy
  • Creating high-quality content and ideas specific to your business
  • Customer experience from awareness to post-purchase
  • Customer POV audit of all your selling platforms/outlets
  • Your shop's discoverability and a web presence audit
  • Market trends and how they impact your shop
  • Branding basics and opportunities for your shop
  • Working with media and distribution channels
  • Ideas to try, opportunities for improvements, etc.

For more details, book via the button below.

P.S. If you join the Vintage Sellers Community, you’ll receive unlimited help from Kristina — no need to book a consultation!

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